Kamis, 03 November 2011

Super Health Tip - Why You Should Become A 95% Vegetarian

evidence is now uvjerljiv.Masti, cholesterol, triglycerides and carcinogenic proteins from all meat and dairy products you consume clogs us up, our limited blood flow, reduces oxygen in our cells weakens our immune system seems slow, causing high blood pressure and high cholesterol and causes heart disease. It also causes any type of cancer that exists, and diabetes. These diseases are becoming epidemic. If you follow the SAD (Standard American Diet) is promoted to all fast food corporations and meat and dairy industries that support you will get this disease.

You can avoid this disease forever, and vice versa May be you currently have (which are still hidden until you are fully entrenched in our body), reducing meat and dairy products to eat up to 5% or less of their food intake (less is better). Fruits, vegetables and whole grains taste heavenly when language is not filtering them through layers of fat, fat, salt and sugar. And the occasional steak or rack of ribs will not push through the line.

Before you begin reading this article, you were probably pleasantly ignorant that meat and dairy products cause degenerative diseases. On the one hand, it's a good thing. You could continue on their way happy to eat all the meat and dairy products you want without guilt. On the other hand, it was not cool, because meat and dairy products you eat will slowly kill you. How is your family, but says these diseases?

And you did not know before reading this article that such a disease can be reversed or even prevented by changing the way we eat. These diseases begin and grow slowly, so you might have heart disease now, or cancer grows within you, that you May not know about until the physical phenomena. Are you excited about heart bypass surgery or other entertainment treating doctors love chemotherapy? You can avoid all this, simply by making a few changes, a reduction in meat and dairy products for less than 5% of what you consume.

So, that's bad news - good news. Before there was no cure and we were helpless victims. Now we can take control of our health - it's in our hands - to change what we eat, and we can not escape the scourge of heart disease, cancer and diabetes, and over 100 other degenerative diseases of which most of you probably do not know postojala.Loša news is over - now it's only good news! Alleluia!

of the evidence shows overwhelmingly compelling and comes from a study of China, the largest and most advanced nutritional research in history.

for your health,

Terry "cut down to 5% will come," Kent

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