Kamis, 03 November 2011

How To Live To 120 And Die Healthy - Keys To Good Nutrition And Tips to Eating Healthy

"When you do not have your health, what do you have? - Brett Rademacher

It's sad but true that most people do not think much about your health ... while they lose it. Think about it for a minute. If you do not have your health you have left? Satisfaction of its existence and importance of its purpose is usually dependent on a healthy enough to enjoy your life and do something with it.

I'd like to share with you some more keys to good nutrition and tips to a healthy diet that just might help you live to a ripe old age of 120 years and die healthy.

Here are illustrations taken into account. If I were to offer you a $ 10 million for both eyes, would you sell them for me? On the one hand, and that he could use the money to help you achieve your purpose in this life and really enjoy yourself while doing this. On the other hand, you really would not be able to enjoy so much without the use of your two eyes. You can have your $ 10 million to build a beautiful house in the Swiss Alps, and yet never have the pleasure to see the beauty around you, including mountains, forests, wildlife, snow, your home and your family. In other words, lose the use of your eyes will defeat the purpose of obtaining money.

Now, imagine that this is an illustration related to your health. If I was a big food manufacturers and restaurant owner, and I were to offer you cheap, great tasting food (including all kinds of junk food, fast food of every kind, every packaged food variety and taste of canned foods that are very affordable, fresh foods which are simply delicious loaded with fat, sugar and carbohydrates, etc.), would you sell your future health is buying my food?

You may say, "Well, what do you think? I do not have to sell their future health to eat their food. It's funny !"

It's true - every time you eat unhealthy, denatured, packaged, man-made processed foods in supermarkets and in restaurants, you are selling your future health and that will one day reap what he sowed in his body - a disease , physical health problems and diseases of all kinds imaginable. Most people simply do not want to hear, but true nonetheless. "What you sow, you reap." It is a natural and spiritual law.

above illustration reminds me of the story of Jacob and Esau. As you might remember, Esau came in from hunting, and he was tired and very hungry. James is relaxing and enjoying some good lenses made ​​soups. Esau asked his brother if he could have some, and Jacob, whether he could sell his birthright. Then Esau sold his birthright to Jacob for the price of a bowl of lentils soup! Can you believe that? Esau is all of the right of inheritance and the blessing of the firstborn son, just to satisfy your hunger for some soup.

Now, how this applies to you and me today? Every day, in every city and town across America, this tragic story, relived by millions of people. Every day people are "sold his birthright for Health" that food manufacturers and restaurant owners in America, just to satisfy their hunger for something that tastes good to them (junk food, fast food, fattening food, whatever). People are literally trading away their health to disease. They exchanged their future health for present gratification.

and strongly encourage you and warn you that you value their health birthright for what it is - a gift from God for you to enjoy your life. Do not despise the birth of their health, as Esau did, and sell it for some unhealthy processed foods that will satisfy your stomach is only temporary, but in the end you will be robbed of their health and enjoyment in this life.

One last thought. Do you want to end up in a nursing home or hospital bed dying of a terminal illness when you're 45 or 55, or 65, can not enjoy the second half of his life with his family and friends? If you are unsure, then go visit the hospital ward and nursing home and meet people there who are dying prematurely from the dreaded disease. Ask them what they would have their health back and it was another 50 years to enjoy it. Then ask yourself whether you want to follow in their footsteps and end up like them wasting half my life. Do you really want to die young and unhealthy to die, or you would prefer to live long and die healthy when you're 120?

The choice is yours and you make it every day. Every time you put something in your body, food or drink, you make choices for healthy or unhealthy future of premature death, disease. It's your choice: health or disease, based on healthy eating habits and unhealthy eating habits. What will be your decision today? Tomorrow? Next week? The next month?

choose life!

choose to live it to 120 years.

to make a choice today to die in a healthy RIPE old age!

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