Minggu, 06 November 2011

Health Benefits of Quitting Smoking

Quitting smoking has many health benefits and they start from the moment when you breathe your last puff. Unfortunately, you may feel like you are leaving a bad symptom.

However, if you bear in mind that you want to enjoy the benefits should motivate you to be free. Below I have listed a number of health benefits to choose the most important one for you and use them as your motivation on your way to becoming a former smoker.

* High level of energy
* Blood pressure starts to return to normal
* The mouth and hair and fingers do not smell like smoke
* Vision increases
* The risk of life-threatening disease decreases
* Endurance increases
* The senses of smell and taste improve

emotional benefits of freedom of smoking

Not only will you get the physical benefits of quitting, but there are a number of emotional benefits. First and foremost you can feel really proud to achieve something that many people tried and failed. You can also start the reconstruction of the relationship itself as a nicotine is his own brain as a hostage, and now you are free.

Below I have listed a number of other emotional benefits you get from quitting, and use them as motivation to stay smoke free.

* Your self-image improves
* You finally put himself in charge of your life
* You will have more self-esteem
* Depression levels go down
* The cigarettes more dictate the activities
* Each day of life improves
* You will be respected by others

welfare benefits

In addition to emotional and physical benefits, there are social benefits that will arise as soon as you quit smoking. Here are some social benefits are sure to enjoy when you quit.

* Your car, house, clothes do not smell like cigarettes
* You'll have more time to spend with family and friends
* You will not become a burden on their families later in life due to illness
* You will project the image of self-control is not available to smokers

In fact, when smokers are confronted with all the problems caused by their addiction in most cases will admit that as a waiver of, or even difficult, but not because he was always an excuse to light another smoke.

in smokers energy levels are generally very low due to lack of oxygen. Statistics show that the oxygen level decreases by about 15% when smoking and replace carbon monoxide in the blood

Once you are a former smoker, the oxygen levels will return to normal, as well as energy levels, giving you more productive and happier

Once you are a former smoker, the oxygen levels will return to normal, as well as energy levels, giving you more productive and happier


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