Selasa, 08 November 2011

Deer Velvet and FDA-Compatible Studies

deer velvet is an unusual term, what does that mean? It refers to a magnificent set of antlers that grow every year a male deer. Deer and bucks, as male deer is called depending on the species, the male moose, of course, lose their magnificent antlers when the weather cools in early winter and regrow a new set in spring. Antlers grow directly from the skull. This great being a lot of nutrients, especially minerals, to grow their masculine crown.

When a new form of antlers in the spring, starting out as a soft tissue called cartilage, as the new antlers develop calcium absorption and cartilage develops into bone. Mature antlers have no internal blood vessels, instead they are supplied with nutrients through the deer velvet. This velvet coat is a special fuzzy skin that grows in emerging antlers. It contains tiny blood vessels that bring oxygen and nutrients to the new antlers. When the antlers calcify and turn to bone, velvet coat was finished his work, and naturally begins to fall off the antlers. Often deer help the process along by rubbing their antlers against bushes or trees.

deer velvet is unusual in the animal kingdom, because the external source of nutrients that feed the antlers in velvet. Two centuries ago the ancient Chinese herbalists have understood the healing properties of this substance and it is used to reduce swelling, improve blood and bone health, as well as treatment of impotence. During this period, requires proof of efficacy, Asian researchers in China, Korea, Japan and Russia have studied the health benefits of velvet. More than 250 studies appearing in the literature describing the biochemistry and therapeutic effects of deer velvet.

In the United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has regulatory power over the prescription drug industry. All prescription medications must have FDA approval before they are allowed on the market. However, alternative products, such as deer velvet in the FDA category of dietary supplements, which creates problems for substantiating health claims supplements. Researchers with a keen interest in promoting the welfare of deer velvet are conducting controlled studies of deer velvet in accordance with FDA standards. Based on studies that meet FDA guidelines, the researchers have shown that deer velvet is useful for treating arthritis. Chemical analysis has shown that deer velvet contains chondroitin, anti-inflammatory compound.

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