Selasa, 08 November 2011

Healthy Nursery, Healthy Baby - 5 Things to Rethink For a Healthier Nursery For Your Baby

As more of us become aware of all the pollutants we breathe every day, breathing the air in a closed space, makes perfect sense to want to prevent your child or a child with breathing these harmful pollutants in the air. What are harmful? Here is a list of the top 5 most commonly found in the sources of air pollutants in your child's day care and alternatives that are healthier. Rethinking your choice will secure nursery for your baby and you.

conference - Many manufacturers use chemicals to mattresses to make them less flammable. These chemicals off - gas fumes, when inhaled and often interfere with normal growth and development, which can cause learning and behavioral difficulties. When the foam mattress is made of polyurethane, in most cases, it is coated with a volatile organic chemical known as toluene, which also emits harmful gases months. After the baby is exposed to breathing fumes, and whenever the nursery is pretty scary. Try to certified organic bedding that uses all natural products in the manufacturing process and makes the game in bed and sleeping in the nursery safer.

The walls and curtains - Paint, drywall, fabric for curtains, and even wood studs supporting the drywall often contain chemicals like formaldehyde. It is often added to resist stains and fabrics that wrinkle less. A glue is used for the background and borders can sometimes emit harmful fumes long after the paper was hung. Continuous inhalation of even the smallest amount of these chemicals can make the baby seem sensible, or restless. And since they can not tell you what is wrong, that money is probably the last thing you would suspect. Using a paint containing low or no levels of volatile organic chemicals, although expensive, will give your baby a healthier air to breathe.

Furniture - Pressed wood furniture, and even plastic furniture, at first glance looks like a great idea, because they are durable, easier to clean and less likely to be damaged small arms, even if the worst happens, not family heirlooms that are passed down for generations. And though all this may be true, a lot of pressed wood furniture is made and finished with chemicals that can and often off gas fumes. (This sounds like a repetition of the CD is not it?) Better use of wood furniture to ensure that baby furniture is not adding to the indoor air quality problems.

carpet - not only that the carpet will be completed with the chemicals that make it stain and soil resistant, but the glue used to glue them are often laden with strong smelling chemicals are often associated with "new carpet smell." So even if your carpet is not new, it is a paradise for capturing mold and mildew, and other spills and accidents that are difficult to remove because they have soaked in May or padding under the floor below. These contaminants are then sent into the air like a baby crawls, rolls, or sitting on the floor, which is lower indoor air quality. Wood or laminate with rugs that can be monitored regularly are healthier choices.

air - Even if we lived outside, we would be exposed to mold and mold spores, pollen, dust, bacteria, viruses, and even the volatile organic chemicals that occur naturally in nature. Indoor air quality becomes unhealthy when these very natural substances can not find a way out of the baby's nursery and your well-insulated home. This results in an unnatural build up of pollutants that can disrupt your baby's breathing and actually worsen the respiratory function for those babies with allergies and astme.Najbolji way to permanently remove the impurities in the air at the kindergarten through high efficiency particulate arresting (or HEPA) in your baby's nursery provide 24 hours of clean, healthy air daily.

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