Minggu, 06 November 2011

Health Effects of Cigarette Smoking on the Body

effects on the lungs

Lung cancer is perhaps the best known effect of smoking, but smoking causes a number of other lung diseases, including:

  • bronchitis, in which the small airways in the lungs swell and close up
  • emphysema, in which the air sacs where oxygen enters your body swell and are damaged
  • respiratory infection
  • Asthma

effects on the heart and circulation

Smoking increases the risk of heart disease and the risk of blocked blood vessels. Depending on where the blood vessels, it can lead to stroke (damage to your brain) or heart attack.

Smoking causes blood vessels to narrow and harden, the blood pressure rises and blood to become stickier, thicker, and less able to carry oxygen. All these factors together are bad news for the heart and entire body. People younger than 40 increased the risk of heart attack by 5 times, if you smoke.

effects on the skin and eyes

The smoke is irritating not only lungs, but also the eyes and skin. Age-related degeneration of the eyes can be caused by smoking and the risk of cataracts (cloudy eye) increases.

skin cancer, reducing blood flow to the skin, faster aging, wrinkles, dryness and poor wound healing are potential health consequences of smoking.

impact on the mouth and throat

carcinoma of the oral cavity and pharynx, gum disease, decreased ability to smell and taste, bad breath, mouth infection, dental caries, cough, and poor healing of dental work are just some of the effects of drawing smoke into the lungs through the mouth and throat.

impact on sexual health

and male and female fertility decreases smoking. It can also reduce male hormone (testosterone) in blood and lead to impotence by poor blood flow. For women, smoking can affect the menstrual cycle, increasing the risk of stroke or heart attack in combination with oral contraceptives and increased risk of cervical cancer.

impact on digestion and internal organs

irritation and ulcers in the gastrointestinal tract, kidney disease, cancer, kidney, bladder, stomach and liver, weakness and poor healing of bones are just some of the negative health effects of smoking on the body of the internal organs and systems.

effects on the brain

Smokers brain can shrink and become less effective in the memory and processing.

All in all, the damage that smoking does not the body of a large and broad. Every major organ system is affected. Despite knowing this, smokers are often difficult to stop because of the harm done smoking a long time, and pleasure is immediate. However, they want to be healthier (and protect the health of others) is the main reason people give for smoking cessation.

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