Rabu, 09 November 2011

Children's Fashion Jewelry Bracelets and Charms Under Inspection Because of Harmful Cadmium

Last week many newspapers and telecasts informed about the use of cadmium in children's jewelry. Cadmium is a bluish-white metal that is found naturally in the Earth's crust. Manufacturers began to use cadmium in the jewelry as a substitute for lead. Lead has become known as dangerous, because people who have repeated contact with her became seriously ill due to toxic nature. Rates are high in cadmium toxicity by Bruce Fowler, U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. He said: "Cadmium is a poison and hazardous substances ."

Cadmium metal is pliable and does not corrode easily. It is inexpensive and easy to make jewelry items s.Nakit doubt come from China. Cadmium is found in the jewelry sold in Walmart, Claire's, a dollar store. It is illegal to sell jewelry with cadmium so that no law was broken. Walmart said it would withdraw any children's jewelry that was upitan.Zdravstvene concern is that cadmium is carcinogenic (cause cancer), and can interfere with brain development. Children particularly at a young age can suck on jewelry and there is uncertainty about the skin and what can possibly happen over time.

Hearing this again is my ten year old daughter and me through her ​​fashion jewelry. She had many pieces as I happen to jewelry. She had about four items, including best friend bracelet, where the girls each have a bracelet with half a heart on it. She was very well just throw it all away once I explained it could be dangerous for her. It is a good reminder for me to stay with my earlier belief that sticking with gold and silver (.925) is the best way to go when buying jewelry as it eliminates any uncertainty about the feelings of those buying and precious metals have never had health care in conjunction with it. I was in the store and said he did not even when it was difficult for those pleading faces, and the price is right, and even had their own money. I am stronger and resolved once more in this case.

As parents we are concerned about our children's health and wellbeing. We are constantly learning and look to be informed as we help you navigate the best course for our children. Another fact worth mentioning is the Health Canada review of jewelery from China and discovered a plastic strip with several charms that lead to the package, but are actually full of water when tested. This is another indication that we should be careful and warn our children when age appropriate and effective care. Hopefully, my girls have learned from our discussion of fashion jewelry and will make a wise buying jewelry in budućnosti.Veliki guidelines to follow for many reasons just to buy jewelry that is made with gold or silver.

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