Kamis, 03 November 2011

Post Workout Nutrition Secret to Improve Fitness Performance

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Did you optimize your fitness performance for the amount of exercise time invested? One of the keys to the smart nutrition after your workout.

What are you taking into your body immediately after your workouts can significantly affect your fitness performance. Most fitness weekend warriors do not pay much attention to what goes into your mouth, after a heavy cardiovascular, strength training, or training.

If you want a better workout results, then I have a large, scientifically researched fitness tip for you. Post workout nutrition drinks containing protein are better at improving work performance.

This cutting edge fitness advice is backed by recent research that is shared by two cycling groups in carbohydrate only drink after training groups, and carbohydrate / protein drink after exercise groups.

The results show the current carbohydrate and protein supplements given during the six hours after exercise recovery period helped subjects better maintain additional performance time trial, and power output, compared to the carbohydrate only group.

The bottom line is all of these studies revealed that after training, diet, composed of both carbohydrate and protein, helping to reduce fatigue level, and increase fat oxidation in the case.

This is an important cutting edge of fitness advice, it can be applied to raise the drill results. All you need to do is to consume carbohydrate / protein drink within one hour after completion of training, and will benefit you.

Alternatively, if the training diet drinks are not for you, you consume carbohydrates such as fruits and protein like chicken immediately after training.

try this little nutrition advice, and watch your soar.

is an important part of the consumption of carbohydrates, proteins, and immediately after the training is that the recovery process is going. It is important to replenish your glycogen stores are getting ready for the next trening.Proteina will aid in muscle recovery process. Your main goal, after a hard workout to get ready for the next, which can exceed the intensity of training the previous session.

Only by following this advice proved fitness workouts will become more productive, therefore, help you see better capacity results. Let the intelligent post-workout nutrition try. You will not be sorry.

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