Selasa, 08 November 2011

The Flu - Here's What You Have To Know About It


Whenever something happens often, we tend to be generally accepted. Handicapped people learn to live with their disabilities, because they face every day. We stop noticing a nasty smell, we are surrounded, as we get used to it, and the flu is so common we take it as something completely normal.

the truth of the matter is, however, that the flu extremely dangerous.

At the beginning of last century, there was an outbreak of the disease that killed more than 100 million people.

Fifty years later, another epidemic killed nearly 100,000 Americans, not to mention individuals and families in other parts of the world.

The swine flu epidemic that we face has recently been shown to be totally devastating, and ...

... the flu is dangerous? Of course it is.

Why is it so hard to avoid it?

Why is it so hard to avoid it?


Why is it so hard to avoid it?


Why is it so hard to avoid it?


This means that you do not have to actually get sneezed on the sick.

Here's a story for you.

Suppose there is a person named Tom, who usually take the metro to work. Tom is usual, he gets on the train, walk through the nearest available seat and sat down. He has the flu and a cough and a little rain.

He used Kleenexes' which is thrown away when done with them.

every now and again, the train speeds up a bit, so Tom decided to hold the rail.

Anyway, this is what they are for, right?

When you arrive at your place of work, he gets off and goes about his day.

About half an hour later, you get on the same subway, you walk over to where the seat and sit down.

hold on the same train that Tom keeps for only a few short minutes.

Then, you decide to eat a sandwich from the bag.

you can see what happens?

You just moved from an active virus handrails on the mouth and down your body.

You just moved from an active virus handrails on the mouth and down your body.


How do you feel?

Usually, people suffering from the flu seems to be completely exhausted and unable to function normally. He or she will experience severe muscle pain, nasal discharge, and various respiratory symptoms.

They lose motivation to do pretty much anything.

flu virus will spread through a large family in a few hours. It can steal entire community in just a few days.

Once every thirty five years, there is a global epidemic that kills thousands of people as in the examples I told you about at the beginning of fasting.

When the flu epidemic unfolds, a myriad of individuals will suffer from a variety of fungal and bacterial infections in the ears, lungs, sinuses, mouth, eyes and other areas. Many people will also suffer from severe bronchitis.

side effects of flu.

Most people who suffer from the flu, go through it pretty quickly. They have no side effects affecting their health. It is possible, however, and it is not uncommon, experience kidney damage, redness, blistering verbal, blindness, baldness, and even nerve damage.

Most people who suffer from the flu, go through it pretty quickly. They have no side effects affecting their health. It is possible, however, and it is not uncommon, experience kidney damage, redness, blistering verbal, blindness, baldness, and even nerve damage.


There is more to it, though.

You know how some companies offer free flu for their employees? It is very easy and very convenient.

All you need to do is get to work, and that the nurse is waiting for you to give you a shot.

Now, I do not know whether you realize it, but those shots are very dangerous for you.


because they are contaminated.

See, it's very easy to contaminate the vaccine purchase in the store. They often contain bacteria, various chemical preservatives and toxins that can be deadly for you if you do not receive professional treatment quickly.

Some of the substances to be injected right along with his shot as mercury, synthetic phenol, aluminum and formaldehyde.

Only one of them will kill you.

Take mercury for example.

If you are exposed for too long, you will experience difficulty swallowing various parts of your body, acute pain, paralysis and painful death.

If you are exposed for too long, you will experience difficulty swallowing various parts of your body, acute pain, paralysis and painful death.


If you are exposed for too long, you will experience difficulty swallowing various parts of your body, acute pain, paralysis and painful death.


If you are exposed for too long, you will experience difficulty swallowing various parts of your body, acute pain, paralysis and painful death.


If you are exposed for too long, you will experience difficulty swallowing various parts of your body, acute pain, paralysis and painful death.


If you are exposed for too long, you will experience difficulty swallowing various parts of your body, acute pain, paralysis and painful death.


If you are exposed for too long, you will experience difficulty swallowing various parts of your body, acute pain, paralysis and painful death.


This means that it's not a very good idea to trust anyone who wears a suit and a doctor willing to give you a shot. As a patient, you can not determine whether you are getting injections is contaminated or not and it will be very difficult to prove anything to anyone, even if you believe that your loss of health has something to do with you, injections are given.

Well ...

... What did you do then?

The best thing to do at this point is to make sure you use a natural method to prevent influenza.

What are these?

As you can probably guess, it all starts with a healthy diet.

If you eat healthy and give your body all to stay strong, your immune system will be able to protect you against most viruses you're going to have to face.

Unfortunately, in today's society people do not really worry too much about what they eat. They load their body of toxins and other harmful substances that not only interfere of the body's ability to heal, but ...

... stop it completely.

... stop it completely.

... stop it completely.

... stop it completely.


There is a selection of things you can do to make sure they get through the flu quick and easy. Most of them can also be used for prevent condition from occurring.


Wild oregano oil.

wild oregano oil has been proven time and time again to be very effective in destroying the virus.

you need to do is get the strongest, most potent oil you can find and put a few drops under the tongue several times a day if you want to prevent the flu.

If you already suffer from it, it's best to drop ten drops under the tongue every twenty minutes or so. If that fails, then you should reduce the amount of time between each administration of oil.

If you are having a hard time tolerating the taste or flavor oils, you can get it in gel caps, which will make it easier to destroy it.

more spice extract.

There are capsules and sprays that contain oils more herbs. These herbs are wild oregano, sage, cumin and cinnamon.

of oil should be administered through the roof of the mouth and back of your neck twice every hour, or more frequently when necessary.

Although this extract is perfectly safe for consumption, it can lead to constipation because it destroys the healthy bacteria that live in the intestines.

to prevent that from happening, we should consume lots of yogurt or a probiotic supplement to replace the microbes.

source wild camu-camu.

This is another lifesaver spice. If you eat several times a day along with Acerola, you'll see that your flu will go away in record time.

Wild oregano honey.

Wild oregano honey.


For best results, you should eat two tablespoons of it as often as you can, but remember that you can not warm up because it will lose its medicinal properties, if you do.


to the consumption of spices are discussed, as well as honey, influenza ill person should rub the strongest wild oregano oil available in his or her feet, lower legs, chest and leđa.Trljanje must be strong and should last for at least a few minutes.

If they are too ill or otherwise can not perform this procedure, the patient should have someone else help with that.


Wild oregano oil can be put into a container and sick individual should soak your feet in it as long as possible.

It is important to remember that the oil gets on their feet will be quickly assimilated and used by the body makes you want good health.


When you drink excessive amounts of oil, bacterial supplement should be used to make sure that the body of the ecosystem is well maintained.

Also, in order to recover the immune system, it is desirable to forty drops of crude Chagga (medicinal mushroom) several times a day.

Also, in order to recover the immune system, it is desirable to forty drops of crude Chagga (medicinal mushroom) several times a day.


Things that should be avoided.

of refined sugar will drop and the virus will help to spread the disease, so that should be avoided. Also, it is important to remember that pork should be avoided because it may lead to the spread of disease.

of refined sugar will drop and the virus will help to spread the disease, so that should be avoided. Also, it is important to remember that pork should be avoided because it may lead to the spread of disease.


When you fight against the flu, it is very important to be aggressive as the virus tends to multiply very quickly. That is why in some cases, it is necessary that wild oregano oil very often, even every few minutes until the symptoms completely disappear.



In addition, it is good to drink strong tea of wild oregano several times a day, as it will help to completely destroy the virus.

To sum up.

Do not be afraid to use what nature has given to stay healthy. Remember that your body is not supposed to be natural to create and respond best to food and medicines that are very close as well as the original, pure and unaltered as possible.

does not fall into the vicious circle of poisoning your body to stay healthy. It will is not work.

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