Selasa, 08 November 2011

Healthy Pregnancy Diet - Tips For a Healthy You and a Healthy Baby

What you eat when you're pregnant, not only affects, but also affects the child who is in you and a healthy pregnancy diet helps give birth to a healthy baby while maintaining their own health as well. Some women believe that once you are pregnant, you can get away with eating anything and used to eat for two as a reason to get away from over-eating during this time of their lives. What you eat during pregnancy should not be used as an excuse to get away from gaining weight due to pregnancy. We still need to eat sensibly to get the correct amount of weight needed to support the child and themselves over the next nine months.

One of a healthy pregnancy diet tips that you will get from dietitians and physicians is to increase your daily caloric intake by 100 calories for the first three months of your pregnancy and 300 calories for the rest of the month to give birth. This does not mean, however, that you should go crazy with what you eat during these days. You should add healthy calories to increase your calories, and not those high-fat, high sugar foods that you think you can get away with eating because of your pregnancy.

Other healthy pregnancy diet tips that you should take note of include tips on what foods to avoid during pregnancy. Some foods can be harmful to your baby when you take in too much of these and some are very damaging and should be avoided. For example, if you drink coffee, you should reduce your intake to three small cups a day because caffeine can have some pretty negative impact on your child. You can also choose to drink decaffeinated coffee, if you really can not live without the taste of coffee always in the language. Some of the foods that you May be advised to avoid when pregnant seafood are known to have high mercury levels such as mackerel and swordfish.

There is a healthy pregnancy diet is completely devoid of extras that are needed to help your child to be born zdravo.Popis supplements that should be part of your diet, and is usually prescribed to you your OB-Gyn, including folic acid, iron , calcium and vitamin D. These are not just good for your child, but for you and your health as well.

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