Minggu, 06 November 2011

Quit Smoking - The Science of Cigarette Smoking

When a smoker lights up a cigarette, they inhale chemicals to send signals to their brain to release endorphins - the body's natural opiates. So, as a scientific fact, it's not real cigarettes or smoking process that makes them feel good, but the body's own internal response to the cigarette.

When a smoker lights up a cigarette, they inhale chemicals to send signals to their brain to release endorphins - the body's natural opiates. So, as a scientific fact, it's not real cigarettes or smoking process that makes them feel good, but the body's own internal response to the cigarette.


However, the body of stress experienced due to the presence of nicotine also caused a release of endorphins and endomorphines as an attempt to relieve the pain caused by fights with poison cigarettes.

Then, in order to ensure that there are enough of these natural painkillers deducted from the next attack (ie, cigarettes), the body shuts down the natural cycle of endorphin release, and save them instead of fighting following the invasion of toxic chemicals.

When the normal endorphin release does not happen, the smoker experiences stress and release endorphins anxious that they are now associated with smoking cigarettes. No, you can now see that I was craving caused by depletion of endorphins created by the previous cigarette!

This may be an issue for smokers, many smokers find that the process is extremely difficult to believe, but much of the stress perceived rid of cigarette smoking is actually for and one smoked before. Indeed, many health experts believe that smokers are just deluding themselves into thinking that smoking can relieve tension. In reality, it can actually be thought of as a chemical S & M club ... own beat, so you'll feel better when you stop.

The solution to this problem is to again be able to experience stress relief without a cigarette - a more natural experience of pleasure. You can learn how to be responsible for your internal responses, instead of their sacrifice and their glory. Mastering the ability to allow you to experience the best of both worlds - all the good feelings that we now associate cigarette, a long-term health and well-being that come as a prize a healthy, smoke-free life.

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