Rabu, 23 November 2011

Seven Alarming Ways Chronic Sleep Deprivation Undermines Your Health

If you're like millions of Americans, you probably did not get enough sleep last night and sleep. Chronic sleep deprivation is a growing problem and serious health problems can result from lack of sleep. These problems are often seen as unrelated to insomnia or other sleep disorders. However, there is a growing body of evidence showing the correlation between the chronic lack of sleep and many health conditions that plague America today.

Top Seven Health conditions linked to chronic sleep deprivation

  1. Hypertension There is increasing evidence suggests that those who received less than five hours of sleep every night, unable to effectively regulate the stress hormones and resulting in high blood pressure.
  2. heart disease According to the American Academy of Sleep Medicine, cardiovascular disease and its association with sleep is well documented. Studies have shown changes in the endocrine, metabolic function and the body's ability to tolerate glucose, decreased insulin sensitivity, increased activity of the sympathetic nervous system and hypertension. All these conditions increase the risk of arteriosclerosis.
  3. Obesity study done in 2004, Spiegel has shown that sleep deprivation decreased secretion of leptin, a hormone that suppresses appetite by 18% and increased the hormone ghrelin, which increases the appetite for 28%.
  4. brain fog: brain controls everything the body. Without the rest of the brain's ability rapidly declines. The brain controls its functions less effectively, the concentration of sinking and loss of memory occurs. Problem solving becomes a burden. Insufficient rest also leads to hallucinations and stuttering.
  5. Slower Reaction Times: Anyone who suffers from lack of sleep known as dangerous driving and using machinery in the workplace without proper rest. Sleep diminishes the drivers the same way inebriation seems so slow reaction time.
  6. Depression Most people do not get enough sleep have some degree of depression. Recognition of depression may lead to suicide. With more sleep signs of depression subside.
  7. Irritability: Everyone is irritable from time to time. However, increased irritability and sleep reduction. Are you fidgety, moody, temperamental, anxious or irritable? If so, you're probably sleep.

It's never too late to start adjusting your sleep cycle allows more rest. Strive to rest your body needs every night. Seven to eight hours a day is enough for most. To make sure that you are getting adequate amounts of rest, take a short power naps during the day when you need more rest.

to get a better night's sleep, avoid eating late at night and go to bed earlier. There is nothing on the Facebook-two in the morning is more important than sleep. Create a sleep schedule and follow it with devotion. Contrary to popular belief, a stiff drink before retiring does not improve sleep. When you are ready to sleep, turn off the television and lights, get comfortable and allow your body to relax. Good sleep gives your body and mind in the time needed for reconstruction and recovery. Dream sweet dreams, sleep well and do not let the bedbugs bite while counting all those sheep.

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