Jumat, 18 November 2011

The Prostate is a Little Gland That Can Cause Big Trouble

prostate disorders ranging degree uncomfortable to irritating porazni.Dobra news is that effective treatment and, most importantly, relief of symptoms was available for all three major prostate disorders, benign prostatic hyperplasia, or BPH as enlarged prostate, prostate cancer , prostatitis in. This is especially good to know that prostate cancer, when caught early, is curable. All prostate disorders generally can be treated without causing loss of control of urinary or sexual function.

BPH is not cancer, but has an enlarged prostate does not mean that man is more likely to get prostate cancer. For most men, during the first forty years or so, the prostate is on its best behavior. However, after 40 years, many people develop BPH or enlarged prostate, which is irritating condition that causes the prostate to swell and obstruct the flow of urine. BHP may trigger increased urination, a sense of urgency, to wait for urine flow, frequent waking at night to urinate, stop the urine stream, and the constant feeling of fullness in the bladder. BHP develops from the inside out, as the prostates of internal tissue begins to crowd the urethra, which passes through the prostate gland encircling the straw held in the hand. As an internal prostate cells grow, they begin squeezing the urethra. For most men with BPH, this tightening causes irritating but tolerable changes in quality of life. However, when it progresses beyond the point of annoyance, when it interferes with the urinary tract, it is time to heal.

Prostatitis is inflammation of the prostate. Effects of prostate inflammation in the urinary tract function include frequent urination, urgent desire to void, and increased night-time urination. In order that the gap can be felt and soon becomes painfully urgent, only to disappear when the toilet and can not be undone. Because of the unyielding capsule around the gland, inflammation and swelling of the prostate can cause compression of the urethra and obstruction of urinary flow. Heat, redness, swelling and pain are the classic symptoms of inflammation. Symptoms of prostatitis may include pain in the joints, muscles, lower back and the area around the scrotum, pain, fever and chills, urinary problems, including blood in the urine, pain or burning, and painful ejaculation.

No one yet knows exactly what causes prostate cancer. As with all cancers, the first step is a sequence of events that produces a change or mutation in the genetic makeup of cells. Then something has to happen to stimulate the growth of abnormal cells. Various speculation that the unknown but influential something that causes the cancer cells begin to grow to include an imbalance of male sex hormones or the presence of viruses.

age, family history, a race may be risk factors in prostate cancer, and recent studies show that lifestyle can play a greater role in the development of prostate cancer than other risk factors. However, other factors are suspected, and studied as potential risk factors for prostate cancer, including sexual behavior, viruses, socio-economic factors, even BPH, but no strong evidence was found to link these elements to disease.

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