Rabu, 16 November 2011

How Does Diabetes Affect An Athlete's Sports Performance?

of the physiology is very different from those of animals. Look at your teeth! Is your tooth structure more like the beast, or herbivore? Our digestive system is more similar to those of plant eating animals. Our body can not digest proteins, as well as those of the beast.

of the physiology is very different from those of animals. Look at your teeth! Is your tooth structure more like the beast, or herbivore? Our digestive system is more similar to those of plant eating animals. Our body can not digest proteins, as well as those of the beast.


Diabetes is a condition in which body cells can not efficiently use glucose for energy production or storage. This is due to a lack of insulin (type I) or insulin resistance (type II). In other words, the body's inability to make good use of glucose to turn it into energy will greatly reduce your body's ability to perform continuous physical activity such as running.

If you force your body to run, your muscles will 'rob' glucose and oxygen from other parts of the body and it will result in fainting or sudden collapse if there is not enough "fuel" to support the brain and heart surgery.

can not appear in such a situation, if you're a runner, but if you're a marathon runner with diabetes, I strongly suggest you to stop the sport, or at least capable of some glucose syrup or sweet when you are running.

But the long-term solution is still to learn how to clean the root of the problem. First of all, you need to know which type of diabetes you have. If a Type 1 diabetic, I'm sorry to tell you that there is no permanent cure for it. But if you have type 2 diabetes, there is no way to reverse insulin resistance.

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