Selasa, 08 November 2011

Is Coffee Really BIG Business?

I had the privilege of going to a chance meeting a few weeks ago to hear a young man talking about how much money is making the coffee. He was very articulate and very charismatic. Since it is an industry veteran must say I was very impressed with its style and its presentation.

He shared incredible information about the coffee industry that never thought of. As the coffee is the second most traded commodity in the world. He also said that more than 190 million cups of coffee per day consumed in the United States. Wow! I was shocked as he continued to share this incredible information between humorous anecdotes.

I have to admit, I was fascinated, because I do not drink coffee, and I know it is important to many people. I think I like it, but I think it's good for me, so I purposely never developed a "need" for it. I continued to listen because he shared that the product that his company has offered to take something that people love and drink everyday and have found a way that is healthy. Wow! Now I really perked up, because at my age, my health is wealth! Hmm healthy coffee!

and I have tasted. Delicious. Then I noticed was the tea as well. Good boy. Enjoy the conversation. After selling the public on the industry is very lucrative compensation plan then divided. Very impressive. It seems to have thought of everything.

I'm not shy like I was in my younger years, but with this, I felt like pouncing on it immediately! Coffee! Hello! Cash and going global! and be the first in my area! I was excited, although I did not let on. Afterall this "child" is half my age. How could I let him know that he won yet another partner in just a few minutes?

On a serious note: When I check the five things I ask:

1 Is there a demand for the product?
Second Will you serve mankind?
Third Can I make a lot of money if properly installed?
4th Is this duplicatable?
5th Is there training for beginners?

As you consider a new home based business opportunities, I suggest that you have similar requirements. Certainly a good speaker is great, but once you settle down and get back to reality check that this "opportunity" is really all cute speaker says. So ... Is it coffee or any other "hot" product. Good luck in your quest for a lucrative home-based business opportunity.

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