Rabu, 09 November 2011

Stem Cell Treatment for Spinal Cord Injuries: The New Frontier

What is a spinal cord injury?

spinal cord injuries are injuries that occur at any level of the spinal cord. Although it is hard bones of the spine protect the soft tissues of the spinal cord, spine, and can still be broken or dislocated in various ways and cause traumatic spinal cord injury. Spinal injuries vary in severity, but almost inevitably lead to various forms of compromising functionality as the spinal cord is in effect the main way for information to travel around the human body. Just what bodily functions are compromised injury will depend on the area of ​​the spine that is damaged and the extent to which the spine is affected. Although a serious impact, such as falls and motor vehicle accidents account for many spinal cord injury, tumors growing in the immediate vicinity of the column can also cause damage to sensitive nerve tissue and have the same effect.

For decades, scientists have worked to try to find a way to cure various diseases by spinal cord injuries may render, but with limited success. However, in recent years, new technologies emerged, which helps thousands of people around the world once again a part of, if not all, of its previously lost mobility. This treatment is the use of stem cells.

What are stem cells and stem cell treatments?

Stem cells are found in all multiple cell organisms, and are characterized by their ability to differentiate into a diverse range of specialized cells when they divide and renew themselves. They are remarkable for their ability to regenerate in almost any other human cells. Their use in the treatment of various diseases and conditions, from leukemia to multiple sclerosis, is now becoming more common. Depending on the situation, stem cells can be transplanted into a patient to restore and regenerate the previously damaged cells, giving renewed hope to patients when, before, there is no reliable treatment.

Stem cells are found in all multiple cell organisms, and are characterized by their ability to differentiate into a diverse range of specialized cells when they divide and renew themselves. They are remarkable for their ability to regenerate in almost any other human cells. Their use in the treatment of various diseases and conditions, from leukemia to multiple sclerosis, is now becoming more common. Depending on the situation, stem cells can be transplanted into a patient to restore and regenerate the previously damaged cells, giving renewed hope to patients when, before, there is no reliable treatment.


Stem cells are found in all multiple cell organisms, and are characterized by their ability to differentiate into a diverse range of specialized cells when they divide and renew themselves. They are remarkable for their ability to regenerate in almost any other human cells. Their use in the treatment of various diseases and conditions, from leukemia to multiple sclerosis, is now becoming more common. Depending on the situation, stem cells can be transplanted into a patient to restore and regenerate the previously damaged cells, giving renewed hope to patients when, before, there is no reliable treatment.


Stem cells are found in all multiple cell organisms, and are characterized by their ability to differentiate into a diverse range of specialized cells when they divide and renew themselves. They are remarkable for their ability to regenerate in almost any other human cells. Their use in the treatment of various diseases and conditions, from leukemia to multiple sclerosis, is now becoming more common. Depending on the situation, stem cells can be transplanted into a patient to restore and regenerate the previously damaged cells, giving renewed hope to patients when, before, there is no reliable treatment.


The first stage involves harvesting stem stanica.Stanice are extracted from fetal umbilical cord. They were then put through a process in which the isolated and purified before they were finally cultured be suitable for clinical use.


Phase two is a stem cell transplant. This is done in one of three ways:

1) lumbar puncture -. The procedure that is used, where stem cells can be injected directly into the spinal column

2) Intravenous injection of stem-cells are injected into the patient's vein.

3) tissue injections -. Direct injection into target tissues

The third phase involves monitoring the patient to make sure there are no negative side effects nuspojava.Samo so far have been caused by a lumbar puncture, and not stem cell treatment is, with only 15% of patients reporting mild headache. Over time, under the supervision of doctors, patients subjected to various activities of physiotherapy and other treatments as needed.

stem cell research and treatment in China

stem cell research and treatment in China


China is fast becoming a world leader in stem cell research, and is now a major center for stem cell treatment of many diseases and stanja.Kineska government has poured many millions of dollars in research on regenerative medicine, and that the investment is truly fruitful in recent years. As a result, expanded investment, the Chinese contribution to scientific journals on topics regenerative medicine jumped from 37 in 2000 to 1116 in 2008, exceeded only contributions from the experts in the U.S., Germany, Japan and the UK.


Although in the past, the treatment in China could be considered risky because of poor health and safety laws, the last few years have seen an increase in laws that protect patients and improve the functionality of the clinic. Since 2009, evidence of safety and efficacy through clinical trials is necessary to China's Ministry of Health for all stem cell and gene therapies, ensuring that Chinese clinics meet international standards in their qualifications and methodology. Since January 2010, about 1,500 patients received this treatment for spinal cord injury in a Beijing hospital alone, including about 1,000 foreigners.

In addition, China has long held a place at the forefront of stem cell research to cure all kinds of conditions. Some of China's important contribution to stem cell research are:

  • The nuclear transfer of human skin cells into immature oocytes rabbit cells, scientists from the Shanghai hospital successfully produced human embryonic cells.
  • China has so far made ​​at least 25 human embryonic stem cell lines (some estimate more than 70 lines of stem cells), four of which are a specialized type that at that time only two groups around the world managed to create.
  • harbored several human tissue types, created artificially, including blood vessels, tendons, bones, cartilage, skin, cornea and muscle fiber.

Additionally, Chinese researchers are currently involved in numerous projects to help patients through regenerative medicine and stem cell therapy. Below are several projects underway in Chinese institutions:

  • ChinaSCINet, a consortium of 27 medical facilities, begin Phase 2 clinical trial to test the effectiveness and safety of cord blood stem cells and oral lithium in the treatment of 40 patients with spinal cord injuries.
  • Clinical trials are underway to use stem cell therapy to treat patients for heart attacks, artery obstruction, and liver and nervous diseases.
  • studies are underway on the potential use of stem cells to treat heart, liver and blood diseases, eye cataracts, and the fight against aging.

Success stories from the treatment of spinal cord injury in China

Many people of all ages and with varying degrees of injuries received stem cell treatment in China in recent years. It is important to remember that not every patient will respond, as well as others, and that the age of the patient and the severity of injury greatly affect the chances of recovery. However, there have been many success stories in both Chinese citizens and foreigners.

Before her treatment began in January 2006, Ms. Pai, 38, from Shenyang could not move his body below the injury site, but was unable to control her bowel movements. Within 8 months of treatment was again moving in both legs, he could bend the knee (although the fingers of one leg were still paralyzed), and even to walk on crutches.

Razvan Iordache, Romanian citizen at the age of 30, traveled to China for several acts of stem cell treatment after an accident while diving into the river, which left him paralyzed from the neck down. After treatment, Razan reported in 2008 that not only would he now use his hands almost normal, and I could feel the pain in several of his fingers, he could "even feel hot and cold" sensation. He added the following:. "Now I can control my urine for 10 minutes and feel for urine and stool is generally much better, my whole body is stronger than before ."

Donald Maricel, a 54-year-old U.S. citizen, suffered a spinal cord injury after falling in 2002. He underwent surgery to correct a lack of sensation in the lower part of the body, but there were complications, and Donald stayed in a worse state than before. Before coming to treatment in China, he still can not walk without assistance. After the treatment, which began in November 2007, Donald has made significant progress. He regained feeling throughout most of his stomach, a feeling in your feet and improved. It is particularly important, the feeling at the bottom of your feet back, helping him to walk without tripping. The most important thing is that Donald regain control and power in his left leg, allowing him to walk considerable distances and stand for long periods.

Donald Maricel, a 54-year-old U.S. citizen, suffered a spinal cord injury after falling in 2002. He underwent surgery to correct a lack of sensation in the lower part of the body, but there were complications, and Donald stayed in a worse state than before. Before coming to treatment in China, he still can not walk without assistance. After the treatment, which began in November 2007, Donald has made significant progress. He regained feeling throughout most of his stomach, a feeling in your feet and improved. It is particularly important, the feeling at the bottom of your feet back, helping him to walk without tripping. The most important thing is that Donald regain control and power in his left leg, allowing him to walk considerable distances and stand for long periods.


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