Sabtu, 05 November 2011

5 Keys to Keeping Your Kids Healthy and Hydrated This Summer

When it is hot outside and your kids are active, there are several key things you need to know about keeping your kids healthy and hydrated this summer.
This article touches on the warning signs of dehydration, the power of antioxidants to keep your kids healthy and the importance of calcium and vitamin D. It is also necessary to see the benefits of whole grains and you look at the ingredient labels. Finally, it offers two ideas of family bonding -. Cultivate or harvest, explore creativity in the kitchen

Fix Fluid
Fluid loss is greater when children are active in the summer heat. If your kids get tired, weak and irritable after a long time to open May they be suffering from dehydration. Re-hydrate them thirst quenching drink with a little sugar.

refuel with antioxidants
Antioxidants help protect your child's body from disease and other health conditions. Eating foods high in antioxidants is important at any age. Brightly colored vegetables and fruits are among the best sources of antioxidants. Keep a healthy supply of cut up fruits and vegetables in the refrigerator so they are ready to go when the hunger strike.

Building healthy bones
Calcium and vitamin D are essential for building healthy bones. Although you can not go wrong with a glass of milk, there are many other good ways to make sure their children get enough calcium and vitamin D as they grow. Think about that milk and yogurt based smoothies on a daily basis using a variety of fruits.

Keep Your Kids with Whole Whole grains
Thanks to fiber and good for you the properties of whole grains, a little goes a long way in keeping the kids happy while their next obrok.Vitamini and minerals found in whole grain snacks to help the growth and development. The key to selecting healthy snacks from grain that is the time to read nutrition labels and ingredient lists. Complete snack ideas include a sandwich spirals (spreading sandwich filling for whole grain, whole wheat tortillas) and pita chips (lightly coat the whole grain, whole wheat pita with oil and sprinkle with cinnamon sugar before baking ).

fun side veggies
Children like to eat food they had in hand the growth and preparation. As a child, I remember how good it tasted carrots and peas from the grandfather's garden. There is nothing like the cultivation of the harvest, and then enjoy. If you do not have a garden your children can help plant and water, and encourage them to explore the vegetable recipes to test creative ideas in the family kitchen. Looking for creative kids cooking recipes and video on-line, shop for ingredients together and have fun!

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