Minggu, 06 November 2011

How To Clear Lungs After Quitting Smoking - Lung Health

Together, the lungs are the largest organ in tijelu.Glavna lung function that is in the air outside the body and get oxygen into the bloodstream, while filtering carbon dioxide from the blood and sending it back to the outside of the body.

These tasks are performed through the bronchial tubes (airways) and alveoli (tiny air sacs). Alveoli where gas exchange of carbon dioxide and oxygen takes place. There are about 300 million alveoli. Each of which is in the case of capillaries

lungs are spongy and soft texture and honeycomb on the inside, giving them more surface area in total, but it seems that the outer surface of the lung itself.

In the event that you are aware, this exchange is not the only function pluća.Pluća flank and nearly enclose the heart. This allows them to offer a layer of soft, shock-absorbing protection to the heart. Some of the other functions of the heart include:

Change the pH of blood
Filter a small blood clots that can occur in veins
Filter the micro-bubbles of gas, such as those incurred during the
Ensure bronchial secretions, which helps protect against respiratory infections.
Produce mucus, which contains antimicrobial substances that maintains sterility.
Trap and Remove dust particles and bacteria in the air inhaled

Even with all this built-in protection, we are still susceptible to lung damage possibly resulting in a

Cystic fibrosis,
Primary pulmonary hypertension, COPD, or
Of lung cancer.

Each of these conditions can be hazardous to život.Rizik of developing any of these conditions can be minimized or even avoided by following some guidelines for the optimal health of your lungs:

is the product of soybean
Products such as tofu and soy milk have shown that it may help reduce KOPB.Flavonoida in these foods helps to produce anti-inflammatory agent in the lungs that can help protect the lungs from tobacco carcinogens.

Onions contain quercetin (an antioxidant) and may help prevent lung cancer, heart problems, and even blood clots. Onions have the highest phenol and antioxidant activity of the most

Green Tea

Green Tea...

of garlic
Garlic is traditionally used to prevent certain cancers, including stomach and colon. Countries where garlic is eaten in large quantities have been found to have a lower incidence of cancer. Early studies in humans suggest a possible cardiovascular benefits of garlic as well.

study showed that rabbits fed garlic showed a decrease in aortic plaque deposits of cholesterol. In another study, the addition of garlic extract inhibited vascular calcification in human patients with high blood cholesterol.

When you exercise breathing increases, in both inhaled and how to take a deep breath each. It is excellent for lung muscles.

Other tips to help maintain lung health:
- Not smoking helps good indoor air quality.
- Hold the mold at bay, clean bathrooms, kitchens and basements, and keep them well ventilated.
- Use a dehumidifier in the basement. Keep it clean and emptied regularly to prevent mold.
- Keep your weight under control. Obesity and particularly abdominal obesity is associated with reduced lung function.

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