Selasa, 08 November 2011

Top 5 Reasons to Become Vegetarian

There is a reason more than 7 million Americans now follow a vegetarian diet, and this number is porastu.Prednosti vegetarian diet have been well studied and documented a range of many different issues. People become vegetarian for any number of reasons, but here is a list of some of the most frequently cited benefits of a vegetarian diet.


Repeated studies have shown that a vegetarian diet uses almost every part of human health. This stems from the reduced saturated fat and cholesterol in the diet, and increasing dietary fiber and vitamina.2010 study from the University Andrews says: "... vegetarians tend to have lower body mass index, serum total and low density lipoprotein cholesterol and blood pressure, reduces rates mortality from ischemic heart disease and reduced the incidence of hypertension, stroke, type 2 diabetes and some cancers than do nonvegetarians. "It is important to note, however, to simply become a vegetarian does not provide for increased health. The meat in the diet should be replaced with healthy foods such as fruits, vegetables, whole grains, legumes, but soda and chips.


Some people choose to become vegetarian for ethical reasons. Some vegetarians simply refuse to eat animals, and people who subscribe to this vantage point will often be a vegan (those who abstain from all animal products). They believe that killing and eating animals is cruel, and act on this belief. Others may not consider eating meat of animals to be unethical, but not approved by the industrialization of meat and the conditions that led to. Many animals that are produced for meat are raised in cramped conditions where they can not move around, to see the sun or touch the ground. They live and die in miserable fashion. Vegetarians rebel against it by not participating in the meat industry.


environment suffers when the meat is produced in quantity and fashion currently je.Eksplozija meat consumption in the West during the past 100 years has caused the regulations to fall behind the industry methodology. Trails have become contaminated when animal manure is not properly upravlja.Prijevoz feed and products contribute to global zatopljenju.Životinje produce dangerous quantities of methane, that affect health and global warming. Meat is also an inefficient way to raise food - it takes 78 calories of cereals to produce 1 calorie of beef. By not eating meat, vegetarians are not a bit more to help promote more sustainable diet.

Human rights

All that is lost grain just to mention might go to feed an estimated 2 billion people who suffer from chronic hunger. There is also the question of the rights of workers in a slaughterhouse jobs where workers are often exposed to harsh treatment for the management, and hazardous working conditions.


some religions do not accept meat eating as acceptable practice. Each of them has their own reasons. 20-30% of all the Hindu vegetarian, who staunchly believe in non-violence. Often, vegetarianism is read in the text gave the sacred books, so that a vegetarian for religious reasons, is always subjective to some degree.

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