Selasa, 08 November 2011

Global Warming - An International Issue

global warming is one of the main critical environmental challenges facing the world today. As industrial development is largely based on the use of fossil fuels, which in turn may increase the concentration of greenhouse gases. Why developing countries are under enormous pressure to reduce emissions of greenhouse gases that are the underlying cause of the greenhouse effect in order to avoid any danger of ecological disaster.

What is global warming?

This is the process of warming the Earth's atmosphere when the level of CO2 in the atmosphere increases significantly.

What is causing global warming?

Greenhouse gases are responsible for the increase in average temperature of Earth. Our planet is wrapped in a layer of thermal capture the gas. When these harmful gases released into the atmosphere, which acts as a blanket, trapping heat in the atmosphere and changing climate on a global level.

The green greenhouse gases that enter Earth's atmosphere because of human activities, such as the burning of fossil fuels, solid waste, trees and wood products, and as a result of chemical reaction is carbon dioxide (CO2) -. main driver for the green house effect

Other contributors are the greenhouse effect:

  • Methane - emitted during production and transportation of coal, natural gas and oil. Also result from livestock and other agricultural practices and the death and decay organisms.
  • Nitric Oxide - published in the agricultural and industrial activities, and during the burning of fossil fuels and solid waste.
  • fluorinated oxides - hydro fluorocarbon, the fluorocarbon and sulfur hexafluoride (SF6) are synthesized and strong emissions of various gases from man-made activities.
of the Industrial Revolution, people were burning fuels is largely to start the car, to produce electricity, heating homes, etc. and releasing CO2 into the air with almost no care and cause untold damage for the environment.

Climate change is the biggest and serious threat to humanity and nature in the 21st century. We must act now to reduce the threat from global warming to ensure a healthy and pollution-free life for future generations.

is not only to human activities, natural processes also contribute to rising global temperatures and cause drastic changes in climate.

basic natural resources that release CO2 into the air (the source) and remove CO2 from the atmosphere (sink) are: -

  • animal and plant respiration, in which oxygen and carbon dioxide is converted to CO2 and energy, and the process of photosynthesis, which removes CO2 from the atmosphere and store it as carbon in plant biomass.
  • ocean atmospheric changes in which the oceans absorb and release CO2 at the sea surface.
  • volcanic eruptions, which releases carbon from rocks deep in Earth's crust.
various human activities that release CO2 into the atmosphere and remove CO2 from the atmosphere are: -
  • Combustion of fossil fuels is considered to be major emitters of CO2.
  • number of specialized industry manufacturing processes, such as metal production, production and use of mineral oil based products can lead to emissions of CO2.
  • carbon sequestration - a process that grows trees and plants absorb and remove CO2 from the atmosphere and convert it into biomass.
  • Deforestation, on the other hand, can lead to significant levels of CO2.
  • CO2 can be captured from power plants emit into the atmosphere, and then injected deep underground.
layer of greenhouse gases gets thicker due to the increasing rate of CO2 into the atmosphere. This, in turn, makes the earth warmer and that the conditions under which humanity evolved rapidly changing.

The world has warmed 0.74 in the last hundred years and it will get warmer in the coming time due to constant increase in the concentration of greenhouse gases. Global average temperatures are forecast to grow 4oC end of the 21 the century.

effects of global warming:

effects of global warming are pretty scary, and every species on this planet are under severe threat of global warming.

Because of the destructive phenomenon of global warming, we see that natural disasters are increasing. Glaciers are melting faster, sea level rises, shortages of food and water, the conversion of forests into deserts, the eruption of the disease, changes in weather and climate patterns, and there will be more intense and frequent cyclones, hurricanes and typhoons.

Coral reefs are also seen under threat of global warming. Corals are very sensitive to changes in temperature: the temperature of one degree Celsius can encourage them to bleach and often die after severe bleaching


CO2 pollution is another stress faced by coral reefs. Absorption of CO2 in the oceans makes the water more acidic. With the result there is a greater tendency for shells to dissolve in acidic water

Coral reefs provide an estimated $ 375 billion in economic benefits each year worldwide. But now about 16% of the world's coral reefs seriously damaged.

Environmental Defense Marine Ecologist Rud Fujita reassure saying that coral reefs to withstand the indirect threats such as climate change, if we can reduce some of the other direct stresses on coral reefs. For example, the threat caused by CO2 pollution.

Many fisheries are also in trouble. Today, 46 important fisheries are depleted in the United States ecosystems are destroyed, and fishermen have lost their jobs.

rising sea levels will also fall down the impact on fish habitat. As sea level rises, it will be converted to fresh water to brackish water, and brackish wetlands in the marsh, which resulted in the destruction of spawning areas for a wide variety of marine life.

There is a need to forge a constructive solution to keep the number of fish and enjoy the seafood of the future.

such as global temperatures rise, glaciers and ice melting causes a shift in the evaporation and precipitation. Therefore, some parts of the ocean are becoming fresher, while others are becoming saltier at a visible pace and could disrupt the way the oceans are slowly bringing nutrients to the sea life, leading seabirds in the face of mass starvation.

Many species of plants and animals have disappeared as a result of global warming. As climate change wreaks its havoc across the world, the ecosystem could disappear altogether, or they take May through serious and irreversible changes.

Changing weather patterns threatening our lives, the lives and lifestyles. This effect depends on the life of farmers who have experienced a reduction in water levels and yields, farm dried up, destroyed vegetation and erratic rains have brought destruction and disease.

Ways to curb emissions of greenhouse gases:

Our planet is moving towards a vastly warmer future. Our one-step or effort can really make a big difference to save our environment from the inevitable impacts of global warming and make it a viable state.

  • Keep the city clean and green by planting more and more trees. It offers cool shade and reduce air conditioning costs up to 30%.
  • Using high efficiency compact fluorescent lighting saves energy and money, and lasts 10 times longer than standard bulbs.
  • is used for saving energy, saving water and energy saving products.
  • Buy organic produce. This can benefit your health and the environment.
  • to say 'no' to plastic bags and use your own bag. It also reduces waste.
  • Choose biodegradable cleaning products. They have fewer negative impacts on soil and water.
  • Reduce consumption of paper reuse and recycling.
  • Using a laptop instead of desktop. It consumes five times less electricity.
  • Travel can also create a huge impact on our environment. Try to avoid it whenever possible. You'll reduce your carbon cycling walking and taking public transportation.
  • repair things instead of replacing and reducing consumption.
  • Turn off all electronic devices when not in use.
  • reduction of destructive fishing practices, maintaining a healthy habitat, and control pollution in order to reduce the threat to the marine ecosystem.
  • Need planning and design strategies to combat and defend against the global warming impact.
  • To reduce the emission of forests in order to prevent any catastrophic climate change.
  • To increase public awareness that indiscriminate deforestation causes 20% of global warming.
  • To support the efforts of nations to cut greenhouse gas concentrations in the document the impact of global warming on human health.
  • Switching to energy-saving products instead of energy consuming products.
  • to generate awareness and mobilize the community to initiate environmental improvement activities.
Nature has given us a lot of resources and always helped in flourishing of humanity. But what we as a human being back in return. There is a need to move towards a cleaner and greener sources of fuel to our planet healthy and beautiful.

"Save NATURE AND NATURE will save you"

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