Sabtu, 05 November 2011

Quick Healthy Breakfast Ideas For Kids

Breakfast is the most important meal of the day, and it is vital for your child's health and rast.Hranjiv, healthy breakfast is also a good way to start your child's school day. It's brain food they need to be alert and active the day of study.

Most often, it is difficult to get children to sit in the morning on a full-course meal. But there are other quick, healthy alternative if you find your child is too sleepy for a full meal, or if time is an issue. Breakfast could be more encouraging if you get your child involved in preparing the morning meal actually. Try one and see what comes of it. Let them know how important their help in the kitchen is really for you. It can also be a good way to get your whole family gathered around the table. It all depends on your family schedules and activities.

If you are interested in getting their children for a full meal in the morning to be challenging ... do not panic. It is very important to at least get them to eat other healthy choices quickly. There are a variety of fast, healthy options for you to choose from. Let's explore ...

Here are some food choices to get your kids moving in the morning


Consuming a refreshing smoothie makes it much easier to add more fruits and vegetables to your diet, and kids love them. Smoothies you a colorful variety of fruits and vegetables. They are also easy and fun to make.

Banana Pineapple Smoothie


1 cup cubed fresh pineapple
2 bananas sliced
1 cup unsweetened soy milk
1 cup non-fat yogurt (any flavor)
ice cubes
Sweetener as desired


Combine fresh pineapples, bananas, soy milk, yogurt and ice cubes in a blender.
Blend until smooth. It is used around the 4th

carrot apple juice smoothie


1 cup peeled and diced carrots
1 1 / 2 cup apple juice
1 / 2 cup cold water


Toss all ingredients in blender. Blend until smooth

muffins and bagels

for healthier muffins or bagels, of course, you have to bake homemade kind. It is best to make them with whole wheat flour. Homemade bran muffins are great with some low fat butter and low sugar jelly or jam, and are also a good source of fiber. Apple or pear butter on top will also give you some extra versatility.

Below is a nutritious recipe, I think your kids will favor in. Who says you can not have pizza for breakfast?

Cake Pizza


2 english muffins
pizza sauce
grated mozzarella cheese
1 slice of lean deli ham chopped
2 scrambled eggs (can substitute egg beaters)


2 Cut muffins in half. Top with pizza sauce, grated cheese, chopped ham and eggs. A Place in the toaster for a minute or two. Adjust the settings to your liking. Offer your child a piece of fruit on the side.

fruit salads

There are many variations in fruit salads and in fact, they are great any time of day ... not just for breakfast. Fruit salads are excellent with some non-fat yogurt dip.

breakfast casseroles

There are many types of casseroles for breakfast. And to be healthy, you can add any kind of vegetables you like and it is highly recommended to add to your daily intake of vegetables. Using Turkey bacon or sausage and low fat cheese is ideal when it comes to healthy casseroles. Also, using an egg substitute such as egg beaters will give you less fat and cholesterol. With casseroles, you can make ahead the night before and pop them in the oven in the morning.

Last Minute Breakfast

always has dried fruits, nuts, dates, sunflower seeds, pumpkin seeds and trail mixes on hand to throw in a sealed plastic bag for those in the morning when the weather just does not allow for a breakfast meal. Make sure every child gets one of these bags before leaving the house.

There you have it ... just a few ideas to get a healthy breakfast for your kids. Also ... Do not forget to eat a good breakfast itself.

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