Minggu, 06 November 2011

Charcoal Grill Smoking Dangers the BBQ Industry Won't Tell You

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Summer is always a great time for family gatherings and eating out. And among the many recreational activities outdoors, grilling has always been on the list of the top ten activities in most American family life. Charcoal grill or gas grill smoking are the most popular options these days to sit down with your loved ones and enjoy this succinctly cooked steak BBQ.

With recent innovations in technology, we are the right choice infrared, and even an electric grill that can handle outdoor cooking. However, for those savvy barbecue lovers, charcoal smokers remain as the most sought after techniques to achieve a juicy smoked meat without loss of flavor usually associated with hot gas or electric grill.

The truth about charcoal grills

, but have you ever wondered how charcoal smoking can affect your health in the long term? It may be very basic and logical question to ask for most customers when you first decide on the type of BBQ grill to buy, but few are aware of it.

Many studies on carbon monoxide -. Toxic chemicals released into the smoke when burning carbon fuels such as wood, charcoal or briquettes, mentioned many bad health effects of using charcoal for cooking food

publication on CNN said the case where the CDC estimates the number of non-fire related carbon monoxide poisoning caused between 15,000 to 40,000 emergency hospital visits each year across the United States.

However, some barbecue addicts say that coal is the only true smoking is bad for your health if it is excessive or when the meat is overcooked and get burned part. However, they all have to agree to some extend that certain parts of meat may actually be poisoned because of the smoke used to cook the meat itself.

Another article on, also said that long-term risk of cancer. It is backed by an example of a study conducted by scientists from Rice University in 2003, which has been shown that the percentage of people who have died due to cancer is especially high in Houston -. Where is the most popular family activities during the summer season where coal smoke

What to do if you get sick?

If you already own a charcoal smoker grills, and I wonder if you only had to cancel due to health, and to determine the electric or gas grilling instead, here are some specific symptoms of carbon: it begins with a light headache, if left untreated, the pain will be built and cause nausea. After repeated exposure to toxic fumes, the patient may even experience confusion, dizziness and loss of good concentration. If you've ever felt so sick in the preparation of these delicious flavorful smoked meats, it is highly recommended that you seek medical care from a doctor immediately, and maybe stop charcoal grilling or smoking during treatment.

Therefore, the choice is really up to you, whether charcoal grilling is a 'yes' or 'no'. Although everyone has to agree that grilling with charcoal may prove to be the most rewarding for cooking and eating experience, its long-term effects on your health can not be neglected and ignored for granted, especially if you smoke grilled meats and vegetables on a regular basis.

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