Rabu, 16 November 2011

How Can Exercise Help You Stop Smoking?

is well known that exercise is vital to maintaining physical health, but it also helps to ensure a well-balanced lifestyle and mental health.

through regular exercise you will:

1) to improve their physical health and fitness.
2) Increase your energy, vitality and stamina.
3) improve your appearance.
4) Get to know people and develop their social life.
5) Improve your self confidence and self esteem.
6) to reduce anxiety, tension and depression.
7) Enjoy!

So how much exercise you should aim for?

Experts suggest doing at least 30 minutes of moderately intensive exercise, at least five days from seven. Many people find it unrealistic to demand the time and energy level, but it may not be the case. Its actually not as difficult as you might think it quite natural to fit exercise into your daily routine. Time spent on housework, gardening, stair climbing and active travel ukupno.Više count toward daily exercise may be involved in normal activities, it is easier to achieve these goals.

how to exercise to bring these benefits? The human body is designed for rigorous exercise and there is ample evidence that regular exercise can reduce your risk of many major diseases, and reduce mental health problems such as depression, anxiety and stress.

Of course you should exercise to improve or maintain physical health, but regular exercise can be an effective aid to help you successfully quit smoking. While the early stages of stopping smoking can be a very stressful time for many people, exercise is known to be a great stress reliever. Exercise directly affects the brain and nervous system to reduce stress and tension. Having a relaxed frame of mind can certainly help to overcome the cravings, but exercise also reduces the desire to smoke. Exercise can be very rewarding activity and a great self esteem booster, such as the skill and fitness levels inevitably improve with regular practice. Moreover, soon after establishing a regular exercise routine, increase energy levels throughout the day will be noticed.

Most people, even smokers are well aware that smoking is not a serious lung damage. One way to stop the oxygen from passing easily into the body tissues. This effect will be even worse in heavy smokers, whose lungs can be very congested. Athletic performance badly affected as the heart rate to increase rapidly as it struggles to compensate for the reduced circulation and reduced amount of oxygen reaching your muscles. Thus, the exercise will usually be much harder for the smoker, and often explains the fact that sedentary behavior is common among smokers. However, the good news is that the more exercise you do, you will find it easier and faster your fitness level will recover. You will certainly have to work hard on this, but the rewards will be worth it -. Great sense of achievement and reduce stress and tension

How can I get the most out of exercise and stay safe?

There are some pitfalls to avoid so here are some guidelines to make sure you exercise safely:

  • If you have a medical condition such as diabetes, high blood pressure or heart problems should check with your doctor before beginning an exercise program, especially if you usually leads to a relatively sedentary lifestyle.
  • to seek expert advice to set up a personal training plan with realistic, safe and achievable goals.
  • to participate in various activities, so you do not get bored. You are much more like to continue if you look forward to exercising and it becomes a job.
  • It is important to start an exercise program slowly and build gradually to avoid injury.
  • Drink as much water as you exercise, then, to avoid dehydration.
  • It is important to maintain a balanced diet to get the most benefit from your efforts.
  • Finally, do not exercise, if you have an infection or injury. Exercise can make an injury worse, so May have to change the plan of exercise or exercise together to stop until you have made a full recovery.



  • check out your local Leisure Centre to find out what classes you can try, for example, yoga, aerobics, martial arts, etc. ..
  • check out your local Leisure Centre to find out what classes you can try, for example, yoga, aerobics, martial arts, etc. .....
  • Jogging - if it is possible to identify several different routes around your local area or park. N.B. It is important to build slowly and use the proper support shoes to avoid injury.
  • Swimming - Most leisure centers, and some rooms will have a swimming pool.
  • DVD / TV system work - There are many options available for home exercise, but now do not forget to choose carefully to suit your fitness level and clear enough space in your living room in the first place.
  • Home activities such as cleaning - even though they can not rely on just polishing you fit and healthy, energetic activities such as hoovering are a good way to increase your heart rate for a short period of time.
  • The use of exercise machines at home - running and cycling machines, although initially expensive can be a great way to exercise you need within your own home. If you do use them be sure to read the instructions and do not over exert yourself.

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