Rabu, 16 November 2011

How Pornography Damages Society

negative effects of pornography on women and society.

One person's pornography is another person's "big picture ".

Someone once said: "Pornography is difficult to define but you know if you see it and to the premises on which this article will be based.

Porn is a worldwide, multi-billion pound industry, and is generated in many media, mainly visual. Clearly, then, that there is public demand for pornography, but we need to ask yourself why.

Pornography on the basis of sexually stimulating images of women - in this paper will not address the question of 'male' pornography - just because it is the primary male sexual stimulation is visual. Men are naturally able to respond to other sexual stimuli, but in the vast majority of cases, particularly preferred is a visual stimulus.

Company, for their own purposes, was developed for the most part along the lines of monogamous, while men are expected to have a sexual partner more or less to live. Males are biologically programmed to live that way, and of course poligamni.Urođeni procreation requirements (at the most basic level) that should be available to share seeds among the largest possible number of fertile partners, and therefore, males are designed to respond quickly to visual sexual an incentive.

Here is the reason for the existence of pornography -. Fulfills a biological need that society would rather deny the

to assess the scale of the industry, there are about 244 million pornographic web sites based in the United States alone, some 89% of the world.

The impact of pornography on women caught many in the industry.

women entering the industry is usually done through economic necessity.
For the most part, simply have no other livelihood, besides selling the body in either real or virtual way.

It is common that people who are economically disadvantaged are vulnerable to many other areas too easily exploited, especially in an industry that is frowned upon society, and which may also be illegal.

One of the problems associated with pornography is that it supposedly affects male users of pornography reduces empathy with women, and engendering callous attitude towards women in general. According to Zillmann and Weaver, "Men tend to react to women in pornographic representations of witnesses with contempt of these women are bad. They are a bitch and whore and deserve what's coming to them" (Zillmann and Weaver)

the word used to describe women in the preceding paragraph, the common currency Internet pornography sites, and they encourage the presentation of primarily young male audience that women are worthless and can be treated in any way a man could wish for.

This attitude shift has had tragic results. Studies have shown that the impenitence caused pornography to physical progress ozljede.Državnog attorneys Commission on Pornography concluded that there is a causal relationship between exposure to many forms of pornography and several antisocial effects, including increased levels of violence against women. (Linz, Donnerstein, Penrod, 1987 ).

pornography industry also has more direct impact on female participants. Porno film director seems to believe that safe sex is boring sex - and therefore there is strong resistance in the industry to use condoms. As a result, thousands of actors and actresses are exposed to a variety of sexually transmitted diseases, including HIV / AIDS on a regular basis. One actress said: "" As I continued to do hardcore porn, I started catching STDs all the time. My lower body hurt so bad, and sometimes my private area felt like a flame of fire. I can no longer do, because I caught so many sexually transmitted diseases and infections. I believe that if condoms were not allowed to be used in his films, I would not have suffered so many physical ailments and infections. "(M. Avanti listed on the AIDS Healthcare Foundation)

Actors and actresses in the pornography industry anecdotally have a high incidence of drug abuse, as well as in other areas of society, it leads to addiction, a growing need for medicines, in a vicious spiral of deeper involvement. There is some evidence to suggest that the drug may become so high that the yield of the pornography industry is not sufficient to maintain a drug purchase, and as a result, some women are forced to turn to prostitution.

According to the Working Group on Organized Crime found the tripartite relationship between prostitution, pornography and substance abuse. "... The young actors are often performed for drugs, not money, then they are forced into prostitution to finance drug habits."
(Flowers, R.B, 1998)

(Flowers, R.B, 1998)


the results of a Danish research group of 200 Danish students suggested that "the results show that, for the average consumer of popular hardcore pornography between the ages of 18-30, the most feared adverse effects of pornography are non-existent or, at worst, minimal . However, exposure to different types of pornography can give different results. "((Hald, GMM, 2006)

seems to be dangerous to accept this study, because it directly contradicts the perceived wisdom that porn consumers are adversely affected their habits.

Paul says that "people who show pornographic movies in 90 minutes a day, five days a week, experienced less sexual excitement and interest in similar material with time as the original excitement eventually titillates, what excites you. In the end pleases , like what ultimately satisfies. and satisfaction sooner or later yield to boredom. (Paul 1983)

porno consumer, so the experience of a system of diminishing returns, in which more and more stimulation is needed to achieve the desired results. Extrapolating from that, it seems likely that these people will seek more and more extreme acts of their sexual partners, and to be less empathetic with women.

use of pornography is generally agreed that the addiction, and it is shown that long-term users of pornography begin to prefer masturbation to sex appropriate response to a live person.

This is a prime cause of the disorder that can lead to pornography on the male / female relations. Men can become effectively sexually dysfunctional, leading to serious -. And sometimes terminal problems regarding

is still a common problem that men are 'caught' using pornographic material from their partners. For some people it can not be a problem, but for many women, it is seen as a very serious izdaja.Poteškoća is that typically, women see men use pornography as a rejection of their own, because of innate differences between male and female responses to visual stimuli I can not understand the common male belief that watching pornography is harmless.

, 2003 meeting of the American Academy of Matrimonial Attorneys, two-thirds of 350 divorce attorneys who attended said Internet porn contributed to more than half of divorce cases handled. He also said that pornography is almost non-existent role in divorce just seven or eight years. (J. Kearney, 2005)

Pornography clearly cause harm to those who work in the industry to its customers and their families. However, it is not going to away any time soon!

AIDS Healthcare Foundation

Flowers, RB. "Prostitution of women and girls." MacFarland and Company, 1998 North Carolina, 119

hald GMM. "The effects of exposure to pornography: Empirical support Pornography debate." Journal of Sex Research.

hald GMM. "The effects of exposure to pornography: Empirical support Pornography debate." Journal of Sex Research.


Linz, Daniel, Donnerstein, Edward, Penrod, Steven, "State Attorney Commission Pornography: Do the psychological" facts "? Corresponding to the political wrath"
The American psychologist. Vol 42 (10), October 1987, 946-953.

Paul, P., Pornified: "How pornography harms Our Lives" (New York: Henry Holt and Co., 2005)., 83

D. Zillmann and Weaver J, "Pornography and Men's Social hardness of women, 110

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