Kamis, 03 November 2011

The New Food Pyramid That Promotes Weight Loss

I'd been listening to NPR the next morning going to the office and happened to catch the story about how the USDA have revamped food pyramid. You undoubtedly know which one I'm talking about, cereal-based, and then fruits and vegetables, meat and dairy, followed by a place on the top of the oils, fats and sweets. No first class course could end up with our detailed course the classic food pyramid.

Well, the USDA has decided that not only provide food pyramid whole new look, but to change the approach we take into account our obroke.Novi my plate was taken of the pyramid we all know and appreciate, and altered the plate.

panel includes four food groups, instead of six, who have grown up. Vegetables and whole grains make up almost all of the recommended daily amounts of food with fresh fruits, healthy proteins fill the gaps. Milk is actually proposed as a glass of milk, which is placed on the side, it probably indicates that dairy products should be used more sparingly than anything else.

In combination with the fresh appearance of some new recommendations, which I happen to think that they are not only great advice on how to teach our children, but also for weight loss in general. There was much discussion about the new look of our traditional food pyramid, with some individuals, which means that my new plate is not to get results. Even so, it is my opinion that the new my plate along with nutritional advice from the USDA actually compare quite well. Let us take a view. Among the recommendations, balancing calorie intake by eating smaller amounts and making the effort to enjoy the food.

Balance Calories

One of several proposals to balance the calories by eating smaller portions and making the effort to enjoy your meal. This is a remarkable idea and turned out to enjoy small meals a day, from 1-2 solid meals will help you drop a few pounds. Having smaller meals are something Europeans are familiar with the inclusion in, the fact is, it was something more Americans are used to introduce one point as well. Having a smaller amount, but more often it is easy to achieve. I'm sure you really doubt here is whether or not restaurants will follow suit by providing a reduced, more realistic helpings?

to increase the healthy foods

my plate suggests increasing intake of healthy foods basing at least half the food we eat regularly about fruits and vegetables. Although very few people harped on the plate are not specific enough, the USDA site does not include recommendations on how to achieve it. They highly recommend the fresh and steamed to produce more than the frozen and fresh fruits over canned.

additional recommendations to add to the number of whole grains you consume at least one half of the day-to-day intake. Although this is a fantastic proposal, I think it eats 100% of one's daily consumption of grain as whole grains is likely to be much better and make weight reduction and improved welfare.

Reduce sugar and salt

seems to be a no brainer, but it's pretty easy to unwittingly in foods that have very high sugar or sodium content with out even realizing it. One of the suggestions that the new sets my plate to create a practice of reading food labels to determine the amount of salt they contain. Keep in mind when reading the labels that the USDA recommends less than 2,300 mg a day.

Another tip is to drink water instead of sugary drinks, which is a really simple technique to reduce your intake of sugar. Research shows that men and women usually tend to gain the most weight by drinking, and not what you eat. Most of us do not really take into account the amount of sugar we put into our systems, you can drink soda pop or juice maybe.


Even though my new plate is very different from the food pyramid most people have come to know and love, she represents America in another way to test food portion size. Change can be difficult, especially when you are going to change something that we are so accustomed to. However, many times, change is smart.

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