Selasa, 25 Oktober 2011

Ovarian Cancer Prognosis and Benefits for Patients

Each patient is expected to be cured of their disease. No, actually there are several other factors that influence whether a patient can survive for 5 months, or even be able to live more than five months. Estimated life expectancy of patients a doctor can be used as compensation for medical treatment and other decisions at the end of life.

of ovarian cancer patients who visit a doctor at an early stage, they have a good prognosis. They still hoped to live longer, maybe even get rid of the

in patients who have recently arrived to get on stage III or more, usually have a poor prognosis. Unfortunately, most patients with this disease was discovered at an advanced stage, in advanced cancer has spread to other parts of the body outside jajnika.Širenja disease to other parts of the body will affect the functioning of organs, other organs that could be affected are the uterus, the lining of the large intestines, lungs and bladder. What is the effect, inter alia, that the organs become capable of properly so that the balance of the body affected.

From Wikipedia source, a written question relating to ovarian cancer, in patients with ovarian cancer have a 5-year survival for all stages of 45.5%. If this disease is diagnosed at an early stage when the cancer has not spread beyond the ovary, 5-year survival was 92.7 %.

If you discover too late, and patients already in difficult circumstances, this situation will give a bad effect on the patient. Your doctor can analyze and provide an explanation on the possible continuation of treatment and healing. Your doctor will usually advise the patient's family also how likely the patient will recover, and other opportunities that may occur in patients. Predicting prognosis of ovarian cancer doctors are not 100% accurate, for example, when he said that physicians "45 percent of patients will die after five months," it concluded that based on medical computing, based on previous studies of patients. No, actually there are several other factors that influence whether a patient can survive for 5 months, or even be able to live more than five months. Estimated life expectancy of patients a doctor can be used as compensation for medical treatment and other decisions at the end of life.

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