Minggu, 30 Oktober 2011

Public Reminder - Cigarette Smoking is Dangerous to Your Health

In accordance with the principles behind the health of our health and wellness products, consistently try to increase awareness that smoking is dangerous to your health! Smoking shortens your life span and steeply increases your chances of getting cancer. Despite consistent warnings about the dangers of smoking, still see cigarette brands aggressively advertised on TV and more people are buying into the glamorized image of cigarettes.

warnings are everywhere - from the metro station, anti-smoking TV ads, and even cigarette packets themselves! We certainly know the dangers that smoking poses to our health. Why do you still see celebrities with their bats need a cigarette? Why do we see teenagers hanging out with a cigarette over his mouth? If you are a smoker, why not quit smoking? Here are five reasons why you should stop smoking today.

  • Smoking is bad for your health - In addition to lung cancer, smoking is also considered as one of the major causes of cardiovascular disease. Smoking is also associated with bladder cancer, mouth and throat, just to name a few. It also raises blood pressure and increases the risk of cataracts. In addition, smoking can contribute to fertility problems.
  • Smoking may break your relationship - Non-smokers prefer non-smoking partner, for obvious reasons. For one, I do not want to be exposed to second-hand smoke. Non-smokers also hate the smell of cigarettes, which is commonly held that the smoker body, even after they have washed their hands.
  • Smoking looks so out of fashion - now seem "cool" while puffing a cigarette is long gone. Today people are more educated on the risks of smoking. However, many people, especially young people, think that lighting a cigarette will make them appear better than their peers.
  • Smoking is more expensive than quitting smoking - You'll be surprised to know how much you actually spend for cigarettes. Do a quick online search for "smoking calculator" to find out. On the other hand, seminars and programs that will help you stop smoking will set you back only a few hundred dollars at most.
  • It's not as difficult as you think May quit smoking - Any smoker will tell you that it is difficult to stop, when in reality it is not. They just do not want to stop. If you put your mind and heart to it, with a little help from family and friends, you can kick a nasty habit once and for all.

On the other hand, if you decide to quit smoking on our health article will provide an incentive to start and take solid steps to leading nicotine free life! Read our articles Posted health and be enlightened. Another, some of the health web site can provide for you with relevant information, advice, tips, and other alternative means to overcome their smoking. If there are other concerns and experiences you want to share with other smokers feel free to contribute your feedback and comments on them.

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