Senin, 31 Oktober 2011

5 Motivational Benefits of Giving Up Smoking

1 Attainment

Quitting smoking is a major achievement, one that many people use as a basis for further successes. Nicotine is one of the most addictive drugs in existence, and successfully quitting smoking is something that is celebrated.

In fact, all the smoke is often a personal development achievements as the importance of health move. Being able to value their long term health and wellbeing in the short and illusory benefits of cigarettes demonstrates the wisdom, strength and perseverance.

2 Independence

Independence is another benefit of giving up smoking. Independence, primarily from the control of cynical corporations who are willing to sell the addictive and harmful substances for personal gain, but also independence from addiction, and the constant need to find a place to smoke, smoking materials and arrange to dispose of butts.

3 Financial Benefits

Smoking has all expensive, especially the government came to the conclusion that increasing taxes on cigarettes is an effective way to encourage people to stop puĊĦiti.Novac spent on cigarettes leads to a thousand dollars a year for pack-day smoker. Quitting smoking for printing as well as funds to be used for better purposes.

4 Improved health and longer life

most reason to quit smoking to improve their health. Smoking potentially damage or interfere with the work of every major organ in the body, and half of all smokers die from smoking-related uzroka.Zdravstvene benefits of smoking include easier breathing, more energy, better sleep and of course a longer lifespan while improving the quality of life. Even the mood seems to have improved smoking cessation - ex-smokers have a lower rate of depression than current smokers


5 Social benefits

Many smokers started smoking as young people in order to "fit". All, however, "fitting in" does not mean smoking. Smokers have been banished outside in all weather conditions, managed and clearly frowned upon by the increasing proportion of the population who do not smoke.

smell smoke on someone's breath or clothing, and nicotine-stained teeth, dry skin and redness of the eyes of long-term smoker, are generally considered unattractive.

be smoke free you to stay in the group, without justifying himself for a cigarette. I give up smoking spreads through social networks, and even if your friends are smokers now, giving you up is likely to help them make an important move for them.

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