Senin, 31 Oktober 2011

How Secondhand Smoke Affects Your Health

Passive smoking, or "passive smoking", as he is also known, has become all the big issue in today's society. According to medical studies, passive smoking is associated with tobacco-related diseases, and as we have more premium on individual responsibility for the health of those around him, we became more and more to discourage smoking in public places.

What is passive smoking?

"passive smoking" is a term that describes the effects that added enough smoke in the room that it is impossible for smoking to avoid inhaling the smoke itself. These people became "secondhand smoking", is that you are breathing the smoke that smokers themselves discharged, only without the active decision to smoke from the smokers themselves. According to scientific research, secondhand smoke causes disease, disability and death are comparable with those caused by actual smoking.

Passive smoking has long been associated with illness and injury, and since the 1970s, tobacco manufacturers are concerned about possible vezu.Briga was, is, that the potential for disease among non-smoking would be enough to rally public support against smoking. Unsurprisingly, it is now confirmed by the fear of injury to non-smokers is enough to pass anti-smoking legislation which banned smoking in public places is limited, such as bars, clubs and restaurants, and office buildings. Of particular importance in the fight against tobacco activists, health effects of the waiters and waitresses in restaurants and bars that have to work in unsafe conditions every day.


Because of the many negative effects smoking has on public health of nonsmokers, it is not surprising that the lawsuits against the employers and the tobacco industry to indirectly cause injury to passive smokers. If you were a victim of disease and disability as a result of secondhand smoke, you may be entitled to financial compensation. Although every case is different, you May want to consider your circumstances speak to a personal injury lawyer who can represent your case in court.

It is particularly worth considering if the contract of passive smoking-related diseases as a result of your work, such action may positively affect other workers, as well. Employers have a responsibility to ensure a safe working environment for its employees, and they could be breaking the law.

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